INCC Autumn Social
Join us (families welcome) as we celebrate the change of season with all things Fall! Tailgate food and games, good music and great company. During the event, we will also be having a pumpkin decorating contest for both kids and adults. Pumpkins and paint will be provided – we encourage all participants to bring other accessories to spruce up their pumpkin. Winner will announced after the event!
While you’re decorating, prepare for the upcoming IIDA Masquerade Ball by having an opportunity to decorate your mask. Mask and material will be provided – feel free to bring other accessories!
Date: Thursday, October 17
Time: 4pm – 7pm
Location: Indiana IOT Lab
9059 Technology Lane
Fishers, IN 46038
Price for members and nonmembers: Free for all!
Tailgate food types and desserts as well as Fall themed drinks will be provided!