Healthy Materials: It’s What’s Inside That Counts sponsored by Humanscale 10/13/21 CEU

Time:  12:00 – 1:00 pm Eastern


We spend almost all of our time in the built environment, surrounded by manufactured products, so it’s not surprising that the chemical ingredients used to make these products impact
our health and the health of our environment. Materials release chemicals so understanding how these chemicals come into contact with and interact with our bodies is an important part
of making informed design decisions and we will speak to the importance of transparency in selecting healthier building products.

We’ll talk about existing chemical regulation through the EPA/other governance and the huge gaps that existing laws leave. Presenters will go through key chemicals of concern – in the furniture industry specifically – and introduce the Precautionary Principal, as a more stringent methodology to protect human health. We’ll empower participants through tools and platforms created to help navigate what can seem like a complex, ever changing terrain.

Join our discussion around how the materials we use directly and indirectly impact human health and the environment and what we can do as a design community to insist on transparency and make informed decisions around what we put in our projects.

This event is virtual and will be recorded.

Your confirmation message will include a link to the event.


Katie Wraley, [email protected]
IIDA Indiana Chapter


Oct 13 2021


Eastern Time
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

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